Majavan jousimetsästystä - Bowhunting beaver in Finland
It was the last weekend of the hunting season 2017 to hunt beavers here in Finland. The spring were couple weeks late when you compare past years. Birds had started their annual spring move and all nature were coming in life again. beaver spring hunting is annual highlight for me cause it is how i got started as a hunter and bowhunting 14 years ago. beaver hunting has been apart of my life also cause ive been along a group of bowhunters allmost my whole life long time before i got my hunting licence. so this video will honour the people whom have been by my side through out the whole trip how i became a BOWHUNTER...

Kategoria: Majavavideot ja jousimetsästysvideot
Lisätty: 18.05.2021 05:06
Kesto: 11:42
Katsottu: 165 kertaa

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